Art by Frances Bates
Game Controller (2022-2023)
After finding an interesting shaped piece wood cut I was inspired to make something that looked like a controller. It was specifically designed for a friend who lives in another state so I added a heart bead at the top to represent sending good vibes to each other through it. I put a layer of blue glittery holographic paint so it reflects in a unique way in the light.

BAT Squad (2022)
For a group art show I created the acronym Brilliant Artists Transforming Society or BATS. As project manager I asked that everyone make a bat artwork to have one piece that brought us all together. I chose to make an interactive sculpture for my bat. The wings can flap and the mechanism holding it moves up and own. The piece can be stand alone or mounted on the wall.

Sky (2022)
To me glass is always fun to look at no matter what form it takes. I have collected a variety of glass over the years and recently got inspired to make something out of a few of the objects. This piece is called sky because the blues and clear glass reminded me of clouds. The way I layered the different types of glass give it a bit of a sparkle which made me think of rain and snow. Lastly there is the large marble that glows in the dark, making me think of stars.
This piece is interactive because you can spin the inner jar.

Sparkle (2022)
Most people just throw a water bottle away when it breaks. Not me, I make art out of it. I picked out a variety of visually interesting objects to match the sparkly bottle.
Reflection (2022)
This piece came from wanting to use some unique bubble wrap from a package I received. In connection with this orange tube I had, I thought I could make an artsy version of an emergency light. Depending on the angle you look at it the mirror reflects different parts.

Spaceship (2022)
While connecting some items together, they began to form a circular shape with stuff sticking out. Since I watch a lot of sci-fi shows it reminded me of a spaceship. I then attached more items that I thought added to the sci-fi aesthetic.

Shakers (2022-Present)
These pieces were created to be fidgets by gathering random small items in jars to create a visual and audible experience.